Thanks to everyone who participated in the WUDAPT workshop at ICUC9 in Toulouse France!
We realize that the pace was a bit fast but we wanted to cover as much material in the short time we had. However, we hope that you are still enthusiastic and we are here to help you with the classification process. We will be adding new features to the website such as videos, discussion forums, FAQs and improvements to the manual.
As WUDAPT is global, we are, of course, interested in all cities so if there are other places you want to classify, please do. As you may have gleaned from the workshop, we are particularly interested in classifying the C40 cities.
Below you will find links to the papers presented during the session:
- Mills, G., Ching, J., See, L., Bechtel, B., Feddema, J., Masson, V., Stewart, I., Neophytou, M., O’Connor, M., Chen, F., Martilli, A., Grimmond, S., Alexander, P., Foley, M., Gal, T., Wang, X., Mitra, C., Pereira, N., Steeneveld, G.-J. Introduction to the WUDAPT Project [pdf]
- Bechtel, B., Foley, M., Mills, G., Ching, J., See, L., Alexander, P., O’Connor, M., Albuquerque, T., de Fatima Andrade, M., Brovelli, M., Das, D., Fonte, C., Petit, G., Hanif, U., Jimenez, J., Lackner, S., Liu, W., Pereira, N., Rosni, N.A., Theeuwes, N., Gal, T. CENSUS of Cities: LCZ Classification of Cities (Level 0): Workflow and Initial Results from Various Cities [pdf]
- See, L., Ching, J., Masson, V., Feddema, J., Mills, G., Neophytou, M., Foley, M., O’Connor, M., Perger, C., Duerauer, M., Fritz, S., Bechtel, B. Generating WUDAPT’s Specific Scale-dependent Urban Modeling and Activity Parameters: Collection of Level 1 and Level 2 Data [paper] [presentation]
- Feddema, J., Mills, G. and Ching, J. Demonstrating the Added Value of WUDAPT for Urban Climate Modelling [pdf]
- Ching, J., Mills, G., See, L., Bechtel, B., Feddema, J., Hanna, A., Milcinski, G., Masson, V., Neophytou, M., Mitra, C., O’Connor, M., Pereira, N., Steeneveld, G.-J., Stewart, I., Wang, X., Alexander, P., Foley, M., Gál, T. The Portal Component, Strategic Perspectives and Review of Tactical plans for Full Implementation of WUDAPT [paper] [presentation]
- Gál, T., Bechtel, B. and Unger, J. Comparison of two different Local Climate Zone mapping methods [paper] [presentation]