From WRF v4.3.x onward, Local Climate Zone land use classes can be read by default. See here for more info.

Python W2W (new version)

In order to 1) improve, and simplify the previous Fortran-based WUDAPT-to-WRF procedure (below), and 2) align this procedure more with the LCZ maps generated by the LCZ Generator, a new python-based WUDAPT-to-WRF tool has been developed.

This open-source tool is packaged and available via PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/w2w/.

This software is open-access, and its documentation is published as:

Demuzere, M., Argüeso, D., Zonato, A., Kittner, J. (2022). W2W: A Python package that injects WUDAPT’s Local Climate Zone information in WRF. Journal of Open Source Software; 7(76), DOI: 10.21105/joss.04432.

In case of questions or issues, please submit a new issue on the w2w Github page.

Fortran W2W (old version)

A guide is available if you are interested in using WUDAPT with WRF. The guide has been prepared by Alberto Martilli, Oscar Brousse and Jason Ching.

You can download the guide from here. This guide is related to WRF version 3.2. The code for WUDAPT to WRF (W2W) ist available here.

For complementary information or questions please contact  or .

When using this code, please cite:

Brousse, O., Martilli, A., Foley, M., Mills, G., & Bechtel, B. (2016). WUDAPT, an efficient land use producing data tool for mesoscale models? Integration of urban LCZ in WRF over Madrid. Urban Climate, 17(August), 116–134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2016.04.001